economic impact

ISRI's Electronics Division Is Guiding the Industry Into the Future

ISRI is the only global trade association for the entire supply chain of the scrap recycling industry. ISRI is also the primary organization for electronics recyclers, reburbishers, and ITAD companies to come together and grow their businesses through an active community. Just some of the overall member benefits include 75+ events throughout the year, lobbying and influence, regulatory and the international community to protect your businesses, and not to mention the opportunity to gain the data, insight, and expertise to stay ahead of your competitors.

Membership & Networking

ISRI members are welcomed to participate in the ITAD and Refurbishers Council – an open collaborative platform to:

  • Connect with industry executives committed to high integrity and quality deliverables
  • Develop and drive industry policies and practices
  • Network with peers & mentor the next generation of industry leaders

Additional industry engagement opportunities include:

  • Electronics Roundtable
  • Refurbishers Executive Summit
  • Electronics-focused events at the ISRI Convention and Exposition
  • Quarterly Board Meetings
  • 100+ regional chapter events

Certification & Industry Support

ISRI has been instrumental in the development of meaningful certification programs for the electronics recycling, refurbishing, & repair industries. The most notable work is the development of both R2 and RIOS standards. In addition to these programs which have been vital to the growth & maturation of the electronics recycling & reuse space, ISRI has worked extensively to represent ITADs in the following ways:

  • Protecting Free and Fair Trade
  • Working with OEMs to increase recyclability & right to repair
  • Comprehensive Guidance on Worker Health and Safety
  • Development of Electronics Specifications
  • Conducting Industry Impact Studies, & Reporting the Results to Key Stakeholders
  • Highlighting the Importance of Sustainability and the circular economy

Lobbying & Legislation

The ITAD and reuse community receive unmatched support in lobbying and legislation at the state, federal and international level with:

  • Trade and environmental issues
  • Right-to-repair, first-sale doctrine
  • Data security and privacy
  • Ability to participate in the Commodity-Based Divisions Trade Committee
  • The opportunity to define ESG Reporting

Influence & Market Information

The opportunity to obtain data, guidance and help influence hot topics in the industry including:

  • Testing
  • ERP Systems
  • Repair
  • Resale markets
  • OEMs/Resale/Intellectual Property Protection
  • Market Trends
  • Market Verticals
  • Funding/Capital/Mergers




Joe Pickard
Chief Economist
Director, Commodities

(202) 662-8542

Billy Johnson
Chief Lobbyist
(202) 662-8548

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