What Is Included In This Report
- Statute References
- Recent Amendments
- Reference Web Links: These links are to external publicly-available state resources. The links go directly to the statutes and/or bill text in question when available; if not, the link is as direct as possible. Please note that the URL links to the state resources may change and ISRI is not responsible for invalid links. If a link no longer functions properly, please contact Justin Short.
This report can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF or as a CSV file (Excel or other database).
Please Note: This database is not intended to serve as legal advice; please consult an attorney or legal advisor regarding the application of the laws and any regulations to specific situations you may encounter. This database does not cover vehicle detitling/dismantling laws, scrap yard / junk yard zoning and screening requirements, laws on the purchase and processing of precious metals and jewelry, such as gold, silver, and platinum, or secondhand materials laws.